Monday, 2 August 2010

Fast Fiction for #WAG32 - Altered State

The challenge for this week's WAG (Writing Adventure Group) is to either create a character or observe someone who is partaking of a mind-altering substance. The piece can be as long or short as you want, using any form you like. No Rules! Now Write!

Drunk and Pissed Off

Edward stumbled in as I opened the door and landed on his knees. “God looks like it’s been a hard night.” I said as I helped him to his feet.

“Sorry Derek, just need to talk.”

“That’s okay mate, I’ll get the coffee on.”

I guided him to the sofa and went into the kitchen area that took up a corner of my living space. “What you been up to?”

“Bloody women,” he muttered. “Why do they do it?”


Edward put his head in his hands. “Screw her, screw her boss.”

I left the coffee machine to do it’s stuff and sat down opposite him. There was only enough space for a two-seater sofa and easy chair, the rest was taken up with a 42 inch tele and my work table. That dominated the room but, after all, this was my office and my home.

“You can sleep in the bath if you want.”

“Thanks,” he said as the coffee machine gurgled to say “I’m ready”. I grabbed two mugs.



I put the mug on the table in front of him. “What happened?”

He grabbed the mug precariously and I reached forward just in case it went flying. Not that I could have done anything. He took a sip, leaned forward and peered at me over the top of the steaming coffee. “She screwed her boss.”
