Monday 26 April 2010

Flash Fiction – Hidden Assets

I wrote the this piece of flash fiction for WAG#19 (the Writing Adventure Group). The challenge was to pick someone out of a crowd and describe what (you imagine) is in their pockets (Unless you want to be brave and ask them!) Give us both meaning and physical details, and don’t forget to let yourself be surprised.

Hidden Assets

Sharon slowly ran her hands down her thighs to smooth the tight dress and automatically wiggled her body in response. She took a step back and checked herself in the mirror, she smiled when she saw how the silk clung to her hips and over the cheeks of her bottom. Perfect. Everyone would see that she wore nothing underneath. The DI had been right, they wouldn't bother to frisk her looking like this.

She'd got up late this morning as it was going to be a long night. She'd hardly eaten and had spent most of the time psyching herself up for the assignment. She glanced at the diamante watch on her right wrist and took a slow deep breath to calm herself. It was only ten minutes before the car arrived so she went to the bathroom for the final time.

Harry watched her through the half-opened door as she reached down the top of her dress with her left hand. He saw the look of relief on her face when she found it was still perched safely beneath her right breast. She pulled at the single shoulder strap and checked the mirror again before she said, “Hope this is working guys. You getting me okay?”


  1. Ha! Very cool! I like this very much. It took my thoughts into a few scenarios before the clear yet obscure (is that possible?) reveal at the end. Nice job, Peter.

    It's good that WAG is starting up again. :)

  2. I want more too! I agree with Sue - I like the reveal at the end!

  3. Very nice! Even in this short piece, interesting twists and turns with the potential for lots more. I want more as well!

  4. great piece, lots of scope for more.
